About Medicine India

Medicine India is a Non-Profit Organization created with the intention to help disseminate accurate and timely information in fields related to medicine and health care. We work with volunteers and other organizations to collate and publish data which isn't currently available readily.

It is our intention to create and publish a comprehensive database of medicines (generic and branded), pharmacology, health issues, doctors, health practitioners, hospitals, medical colleges and medical institutes in India. More importantly, we strive to ensure that all the published information is accurate to as large an extent as possible.

We collect this information from free and open sources which include various outlets like the medicine manufacturer's websites, medicine journals, government published reports, etc.

Currently Published Medicine Tools

We have created and published the following tools so far:

  1. Medicine Categories
  2. Medicine Brands
  3. Generic Medicines
  4. Medicine Manufacturers

Users of this website can currently explore the various medicines available in the Indian market either by using the above mentioned tools or by using the Medicine Search Tool available on this website.


While we strive to maintain and publish data as accurately as we can, there is every likelihood of there being discrepancies depending on where you are accessing this data from. This discrepancy could be caused by various reasons some of which include:

  • Difference in local taxes
  • Change in the information hasn't been updated
  • Information published has become obsolete

Due to these factors, Medicine India cannot be held liable for anything done based on the information obtained from this website. This website has been created to serve as a simple starting point and is not intended to replace professional medical opinion in any manner.